well, i am back once again. a lot has happpened since last i posted. besides shooting photos - i have been working at Mangilao Golf club. its not a bad gig, the people are generally nice and work is...work. not taxing to the mind kind of work, if you know what i mean. to think i went to college for 5 years only to end up doing something like this(my college experiences of which i do not regret). can't be a complainer though. i just do what i need to do and leave work when its time to leave. i admit i'm somewhat anti-social but no biggie really. i have friends outside of work.
friends who are filled with drama! oh lordy, Drama doesn't even come close to describing what my friends are going through(they're doing it to themselves). somehow it usually involves having an affair with another friend who is married or "attached". i am glad i escaped unscathe from all that drama. i know when to say when and i know when to stir up the room.
ahh, love. sweet love. love love love... its good when we're in it and sucks when it has to end.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
things of beauty. when i look at these flowers i feel at peace. their colors are bold and rich. i'll never tire of them.
today is a wednesday which means the wednesday night market at the chamorro village will be pretty busy. i suppose i'll be heading over there to take pictures of the cultural dancerss. see you there if you go.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
just playing around with photoshop turned the otherwise normal corollla into this. okay its a bad job but you get the idea.
we played saturday morning(4-15-06) at Admiral nimitZ Golf course. a course i learned to play golf at. surprisingly enough, i did pretty well driving the ball but my irons weren't so hot and the putting, ugh don't get me started. the form is still there though- its a very important foundation of golf.
its been a month since i've posted. i have to try to post more often... try.
my brother told me about a program i can use to make a video of some of my photos. its a microsoft program called, photo story 3(ver.3). it makes a good gift to friends. i might start sharing my photos this way. that way they can view it and i don't have to worry about the photos being copied and destributed.
the music is called, "hurrican country" by Dave Grusin. if your interested, its from the soundtrack to the movie, "Havana".
here's a sample i posted in Youtube.com. unfortunately their compression is soo bad its lost its lustre.
in other news... its the first of APRIL!!! no, i'm not celebrating because its foodstamp day. personallly, thats just not my thing. i've been irresponsible about a lot of decisions in my life but having kids when its not economically viable for me is not my cup of tea. ANYWAY, its my sister, Grace's Birthday. its amazing how time passes us by. seems like in a span of a couple of blinks of my eyes- we all grew up- graduated from school- and in Grace's instance, got married and moved away. life Goes on... i'm still waiting to be an Uncle though :)
here's a photo of a sunset i shot today(mar 31, 06) behind Okura Hotel. personally, its absolutely beautiful. i don't think i will ever get used to seeing the sun setting- i hope not.
i was at umatac Village this weekend. they were celebrating the village fiesta. one of the main events was the moto cross of which i had a great time shooting- even though they were kicking up soo much dust all over. it was a good time for all.