Sunday, October 30, 2011

hard rock cafe, Guam

hard rock cafe, Guam, originally uploaded by bert671.

Love all serve all


becca, originally uploaded by bert671.

becca and i shooting in one of Guam's meany beautiful beaches.

leandra and her abs

leandra and her abs, originally uploaded by bert671.


leandra1, originally uploaded by bert671.

leandra3 small

leandra3 small, originally uploaded by bert671.

at tarague with leandra


leia2, originally uploaded by bert671.

at the beach


melina, originally uploaded by bert671.

with her cherry pie, yummmm

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Infusion cafe

My hangout


Kmarts now selling ipad2's and they are going quick. Christmas comes too soon.

Fish and chips

Dinner with friends

Sunday, October 09, 2011