Monday, November 30, 2009

november rain

this song title fits perfectly to whats going on the last week. we had a typhoon that missed us(again, whew!).
nov. 28, i was 0ut on the golf course and got caught in a sudden rain fall. strong rain and me trying to take shelter from my golf cart. that didn't work out. i was soaked! but i was in that situation and i noticed how beautiful the scene was. the visibility of the course was bad! couldn't see out too far because of the cover of rain.

death of a friend

recent tragic incident with a friend who passed away so young. he died at the tender age of 44.
he was a great photographer who mastered his craft and was always willing to teach anyone. was well known and loved amongst many people and photographers.

Roel Santiago was my friend and mentor but when we hung out it never seemed that way. it was just about having a good time and learning in fun as we went along.

i miss my buddy, Roel. i am sure that wherever he is now. he's making them smile.
goodbye my friend.