Tuesday, July 05, 2005

auto show 4th of july

also from the auto show held onthe same day.

lush green celica. these cars have all been color processed in photoshop. i was trying out the lomo effect everyone seems to be raving about but i found it too have too many instructions. i i expiremented here and there and i think i found a balance.
basic process. image- levels- create duplicate- gausian blur- overlay. the end picture usually comes out okay but it darkens or blows away some parts of the photos. you can use the eraser tool to recover portions lost.
play with the process to your liking.

red Celica with color boosting. same concept as above but toned down to 20%. only needed to accentuate the car a little to make it stand out.

my friend larry(glasses). with his Honda Accord. i don't have the exact numbers but i know he's spent thousands of dollars getting his car to look like this. the suicide doors alone is pretty expensive. i like it.

the White BMW with "Chanel" chair covers. very sweet! i played with this a little to see what it would look like in diff colors. which do you prefer?


original white

cherry red


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the last one the "yellow-green-blue-red" (or something like that)...OH HECK! The lower right one! sheesh... but hey, you're right, experimentation is awesome!